Implement Queue with LL
* // Definition:
* back front
* v v
* Q: "1" <- "2" <- "3"
* // enQueue: Push an element from the "back"
* back front
* v v
* Q: "1" <- "2" <- "3"
* Step 1: create a Node: new = "0"
* Step 2: add from the back, therefore,
* new->next = back
* back front
* v v
* "0" -> "1" <- "2" <- "3"
* Step 3: back->next = new
* |---- back front
* v v v
* "0" "1" <- "2" <- "3"
* Step 4: back = new
* back front
* v v
* "0" <- "1" <- "2" <- "3"
* // deQueue: Delete an element from the "front"
* back front
* v v
* Q: "1" <- "2" <- "3"
* Step 1: create a Node: tmp to point "front"
* front
* back tmp
* v v
* Q: "1" <- "2" <- "3"
* Step 2: q->front = q->front->next
* back front tmp
* v v v
* "1" <- "2" <- "3"
* Step 3: free(tmp)
* back front
* v v
* "1" -> "2"
C version
Declaration data structures:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node{
struct Node* next;
int val;
struct Queue{
struct Node* front;
struct Node* back;
Create Queue and New an element
struct Node* newNode(int value){
struct Node* new_node = (struct Node*) malloc (sizeof(struct Node));
new_node->val = value;
new_node->next = NULL;
return new_node;
struct Queue* creatQueue(){
struct Queue* q = (struct Queue*) malloc (sizeof(struct Queue));
q->front = NULL;
q->back = NULL;
return q;
Enqueue and Dequeue
void deQueue(struct Queue *q){
if(q->front == NULL){
struct Node* temp = q->front;
q->front = q->front->next;
if (q->front == NULL)
q->back = NULL;
void enQueue(struct Queue *q, int value){
struct Node* new_node = newNode(value);
if(q->back == NULL){
q->front = new_node;
q->back = new_node;
q->back->next = new_node;
q->back = new_node;
Test code:
int main() {
struct Queue* q = creatQueue();
enQueue(q, 10);
enQueue(q, 20);
enQueue(q, 30);
enQueue(q, 40);
enQueue(q, 50);
printf("Queue Front : %d \n", q->front->val);
printf("Queue back : %d", q->back->val);
return 0;
Last updated